16 Things I Learned in 2016

Sunday, 15 January 2017

While cleaning and organising my messy desk in my room, I found two little sticky notes of things I had learnt throughout the course of 2016. The past year has been an interesting one filled with life lessons that I couldn't help but share!

Here are 16 things I learnt in 2016:

1// Maybe for now, living in a state of denial is the only way to be happy.

2// Writing down how you feel, wether it be poetry or just memos on sticky notes can really help you heal.

3// So much can change in a year.

2016 went from being a senior in high school stressing about the final IB exams, to graduating, to going to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, to moving out to a new city, to starting university and beginning a whole new chapter of my life.

4// Try your best and don't stress, you will surpass you expectations.

The whole IB experience and the stress and pressure of passing bought so much anxiety and demotivation. Little did I know, I would do better than I expected. 

5// Mental health is real.

It's a serious issue that can happen to anyone.. Getting anxiety due to the excessive fear of failing was not fun, to say the least. I remember spilling water all over my teacher, his phone and all of his papers whilst I was pouring myself a cup of water because I couldn't control my pounding hear and shaking hands before a final oral exam. Right now I can laugh about this embarrassing situation and the look he gave me, but when it happened I was mortified for days!

6// Travelling is magical.

I can't wait to travel the world and see all it has to offer!

7// Dolce far niente might forever be my favorite thing. 

This little old Italian saying, which translates to "the pleasures of doing nothing" or "pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness" is what I love to do.

8// Nothing is as big as it seems! - just do it. 

For all we know we could simply be ants in another person's universe. We are just creatures in a small world in a vast universe. Does all the fear, insecurity and drama truly really matter at the end of it all?

9// Its not only about how you look, it's about how you make people feel.

Personality > Appearance.

10// Work hard, play hard is a motto to live by.

Study hard, party hard.

11// Don't make a plan, your life won't follow it.

Expect the unexpected ;)

12// Staying/ trying to stay positive really does change your life. 

Finding a positive point, to every negative situation has been life changing. 

Back in October, for example, I went to an overhyped halloween party in a somewhat shady night club where I ended up loosing my phone at the end of the night. Not having my phone meant I couldn't contact anyone, use Google maps or have my exam schedule on hand (it was saved on an app in my phone). 

After much positive thinking and continuously telling myself I would find it again, I went back to the club and it turns out the toilet lady had kept it safe for me! Even though my phone screen started acting up by turning blue and purple at times; I was so glad I got my phone back! 

13// Waking up early is really not a thing for me :/
My bed is my best friend - leaving it, especially for early morning lectures makes me a very very tired and inactive person. Maybe I should just learn how to sleep earlier ??? 

14// I get distracted way too damn much
Focus, Anaelle, focus!

15// Saying your down for anything will really bring you places. 

16// Kissing is overrated. 
or maybe I just need to be proved wrong?? - hehe this learnt lesson comes with an interesting story to be told ;) ;) 


And on an extra note: 

*17// It all ends eventually, even when you thought it never would.

Here I am, in my bed at university writing this blog, whereas a year ago I thought the constant cycle of high school would never end. 

2016 was an interesting year for sure, and I'm excited to see what life lessons 2017 has to bring! What are some things you have learnt in 2016??



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