My 2017 New Year Resolutions

Sunday, 8 January 2017

In addition to some of the new years resolutions, I mention in my next blog post about 5 Things To do in 2017 (Its coming soon!!), this year I have also decided to join the the years resolution bandwagon and set some goals for myself!

My following 2017 New Years Resolutions are:

1// Improve my Skincare.

Time and time again, I tell myself that I will have a set skincare routine and finally get clear skin. Although my skin has definitely improved, I know it can get even better. Before the holidays, the routine I had was working perfectly, but due to the lack of routine the holidays bring, the motivation to constantly wash my face kind of stopped. Going back to uni and having a sort of schedule will help me get back to my skin care routine and hopefully I can still to it! ( I have a skincare post coming up, so if you're interested, make sure you stick around!)

2// Do Some Physical Exercise.

The student lifestyle comes with a lot of calories. Drinking and eating out comes at a price and I want to make sure freshman 15 (a concept in which new university students gain 15 kg) does not happen to me. Since I no longer bike to school or have P.E (Thank God!), I will try and exploit the gym on my university campus and force myself to either do zumba, yoga or kickboxing at least once a week.

3// Try and Be More Outgoing!

One huge thing about my personality is that I am quite reserved. I am only 100% completely myself when I am around people I feel comfortable with. Although it has decreased a lot throughout the years, my reservedness still looms. This year, I want to become more outgoing by saying what I have to say and not holding back, even at the expense of sounding like an idiot. If I have an output, advice or opinion, I will let it be known! I will also try to interact more with people and initiate conversation instead of waiting for them to come to me.

4// Take Blogging More Seriously.

Yes.. this false promise again. At least once a month I tell myself that I will start blogging continuously and consistently. As of recently, I've really had the urge to blog again. I've even paid for a new layout so if monetary investment doesn't motivate me enough I don't know what will. Though uni is and should be my main priority as I always have assignments to complete, if I organise myself well enough I will be able to have time to blog as well.

These are all my resolutions for this new year and so far they don't seem to be too difficult to achieve. Some more goals might arise along the year, or I might completely forget about these resolutions, but I guess we'll have to see... ;)

What are your resolutions for 2017? If you have a blog post about it share it down bellow! 

- Anaelle

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