No New Years Resolution? Here are some ideas!

Thursday, 12 January 2017

The pressure to create resolutions and set goals is always at an all time high at the start of the new year. As its sometimes difficult to come up with new years resolutions or goals of your own, I am here to help! Inspired by SWEETS Snapchat story posted a few weeks ago (see bellow), this blog post could give you ideas on things to try to achieve in 2017!

Although I am writing this post in January, setting goals and aspiring to achieve something can be done at any time of the year. New beginnings and goal setting are under your control and are not determined by the start of new years, months or days.

Anyways! To start off:

1// My first tip is: Say yes to everything and try new things!

No matter how weird or uncomfortable it makes you feel, try new things and say YES to everything and anything this year! If a friend asks you to join them in an unfamiliar activity - say yes! If a waiter proposes you try the new dish at the restaurant - say... yes!

Saying yes as well as trying new out things, will not only lead you to places you never thought, it will also help you get out of your comfort zone and grow!

Personally, as of last year I've been saying "Yes! I am down for anything" when people have suggested hanging out and it has brought so much more fun into my life! It has only been the start of me getting out of my comfort zone and I can't wait to see what happens as I continue to say yes

To get more inspiration, a movie that I recommend is Yes Man - it's definitely worth the watch.

2// Go on a solo adventure - learn to love being by yourself

At the end of the day, the person who is always there for you is you. The person you should depended the most on is yourself and this is why this year you should go on a solo adventure and learn to love being in your own company!

Book a flight/ road trip to a place you have always wanted to go to, or roam your city and find cool new places.

Through this not only will you become more independent, you will also learn to not rely on anyone else and go out there and accomplish your dreams.

3// Expand your resume

Wether you have a job, you are in uni, or you are currently in high school; it is never a bad idea to participate in activities that could increase the experiences section in your cv. Depending on your interests, go out there and search for activities that will make your cv as unique as you are.

No matter how weird, random, or irrelevant the activities may seem, it is good for your present and your future. Take time once a month or whenever you are bored to enhance your cv and advance career. Examples of activities could be joining a writing club, learning a new skill or language or joining sports team!

4// Learn the basics of HTML/ CSS & graphic design

For those of us who happen to have our own personal space in the cybersphere, learning the basics of html/css or learning graphic design can help make our blogs or websites more unique. Though they aren't the easiest things to learn, it's still worth a try!

You could learn the basics of HTML or CSS via multiple books or websites such as Codeacademy or Khanacadmey, and you could learn to design things graphically by using basic apps or websites such as Pixlr or Picmonkey. The internet is filled with endless resources so if you ever get confused or stuck, Google is always here to help!


5//Always find a silver lining to every bad situation

Life is not a fairytale. Wether you like it or not some things won't go the way you expect it or want it too. This year, if some thing unplanned happens, after feeling distraught, upset and disappointed, try and find a silver lining or a positive point to the situation. Not only will this make you feel less upset more quickly, it will also help you have a more positive perspective on life.

Another movie recommendation, that comes to mind when thinking about this goal is Silver Linings Playbook. It is also worth!

This is it for my list of ideas for goals and new years resolutions. Do you have anything else to add to this list? Leave it down bellow!


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