5 Tips for Freshers/ Intro Week

Thursday, 22 September 2016

As  of next week, my high school friends are moving to start university. In order to prepare, my friend has been watching loads of videos and reading loads of posts regarding freshers week (an introduction week where you meet new students and do fun activities). Because I experienced it a couple weeks before her (you can read a little about it here), she wanted me to give her a few tips. I wanted to share these tips with you as well because we're friends too, right?  ;)

To make it a little more creative, I wanted to illustrate my tips using snapchat! Here we go!:

1// if you want to feel included, include yourself - even at the expense of feeling annoying. Butt into people's conversations. If they're having a conversation about something that interests you, go ahead and join them! Try and get in with the groups, contribute your ideas, it might sound unnatural and a little bit frightening at first, but I bet if I had done this I would have had a better time during my freshers week. Basically: don't wait for people to include you in things, make the first move.

2// initiate what you want to do - if you want to do something, don't let the fact that no body is doing it stop you. Who knows maybe the rest will follow. 

3// If partying isn't your thing, find something else you enjoy. - If you don't like something, find something else you do like!

4// Don't attach yourself to one person - freshers week is about meeting new people! If you happen to meet someone you connect with that's good, but that one person might connect with a bunch of other people too. You might feel a lil lonely when they decide to hang out with someone else, so make sure you make more than just one friend. 

5// Don't accept peer pressure - Do not do anything you do not feel comfortable with. At the end of the day no one will remember or care about what you did or didn't do at the party.

Hope these tips were somewhat helpful! What other tips would you add to the list??


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