17 things I've learned at 17

Sunday, 13 December 2015

About a month ago, I finally turned 18! In order to commemorate the past 18 years of my life, I decided to share some lessons I've learned over the past year of being 17!

Here is a list of 17 things I learned at 17:

1// It's okay to not to know what you want to be later on in life 

2// Nothing actually matters 

3// If you don't ask, the answer will always be no

4// You control your own life, don't depend on other people to make you happy

5// Avocado is so good 

6// Sometimes the people closest to you, are the worst people you could have in your life

7// Everyone is the same, find something that makes you different

8// Philosophy and Buddhism is actually interesting 

9// It is important to stay open minded 

10// Feminism is important 

11// The world can be such an awful place, you have to live for you and only you.

12// Spotify is life 

13// Creating art on your face with make up is actually so fun 

14// Acne is the most annoying thing

15// Wear a skirt, dress and shorts if you wanna! You are young flaunt what you got!

16// Age is just a number, it shouldn't determine the way you act

17// Things change, whether you like it or not.

What are some things you learned throughout the past years? let me know down bellow!

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  1. Happy New Year!!! If you want, we can to follow each other on bloglovin! Just follow me here and I'll follow you back! ♥ https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/anna-alina-3947784
